
*Effective Autumn Term 2023 (until further notice)


A non-returnable registration fee of £100; to accompany your Registration Application.


  • The acceptance deposit is payable upon acceptance of an offered place. This will be credited against the final school account, i.e. the closing account at the end of the final term at school. It is not otherwise returnable.
  • £500 for Year 2; £1,000 for Year 3 to Year 13
  • Parents who cancel acceptance on more than a full term’s notice before entry will not be required to pay Fees in lieu of notice but the deposit will be retained by the School
  • Parents who cancel acceptance on less than a full term’s notice before entry will be required to pay Fees in lieu of notice, less the deposit paid.


Termly tuition fees by year group:

  • Year 2 £4,670
  • Years 3 – 6 £4,930
  • Years 7 – 13 £5,970 (excluding external examination fees)

The lunch charges for 2023-24, which are compulsory for all pupils and will be added to termly invoices, will be £300 per term.

Optional refreshment charges will be as follows:

  • Breakfast Club (from 7.30am) £3.30 per day.
  • Tuck Shop £1. to £1.50 per item.

Other charges for the additional specialist quality facilities which the School provides, will be
set as follows:

  • Music Instrumental Lessons (individual) 10 lessons per term £235
  • After School Club £5 per half hourTea fee £2.50 (separate charge)
    • Late collection fee of £10 per occurrence if collected after 6pm.
    • Please note that the After School Club closes at 6pm. There is a late collection fee of £10 per occurrence from 6.00pm.


Fees are due, and it is a condition of acceptance that fees are paid, before the first day of each term. A term’s fee invoices will normally be prepared and posted to parents/ guardians around the end of the previous term.

If you have not received a fee invoice for a term at least 14 days in advance of the start of term please contact the Bursar to obtain a further copy so that you can ensure payment of fees by the start of term.


Fees are required to be paid in full before the first day of term, according to the School’s Terms and Conditions.
A term’s fee invoices will normally be prepared and emailed to parents around the end of the previous term. If you have not received a fee invoice in advance of the start of term please contact the bursary team (fees@stcatherineschool.co.uk) to obtain a further copy so that you can ensure payment of fees by the start of term.

Payment should be made by direct bank transfer to the School bank account, details of which appear on each fee invoice. For the payment reference, please use your family name and the account code appearing on the invoice.

Payment of fees may also be made by cheque. Please send the cheque, together with the remittance advice slip at the bottom of the invoice, to the Assistant Bursar.

As an alternative option, to help our families spread school fees more evenly through the year, I am pleased that the school is able to offer, from 1st September 2023, a monthly payment option for school fees at no additional financing cost.

This school fees financing arrangement has been arranged through School Fees Plan (SFP) who will be appointed as the school’s Introducer Appointed Representative (IAR). There is a modest financing cost associated with this arrangement, however the school will absorb this cost and not pass it on to families. For families already using SFP to spread fee costs, their arrangement will remain largely the same, although the financing cost of using SFP will be met by the School from the Autumn Term. Full details of this payment option will be shared during the Summer Term. SFP is regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.


Interest will be charged on a daily basis at a rate of up to 1.5% per month on fees which remain unpaid. The parents or guardians will also be liable to pay all costs, fees and charges including legal fees and costs reasonably incurred by the School to recover any unpaid fees, regardless of the value of the School’s claim. In particular, in the event of non-payment, parents or guardians will be liable for an administration charge of £15 per reminder letter sent and if a cheque is returned unpaid by our bank.


Under the conditions of acceptance, a term’s written notice of withdrawal is required to be given to the Headmistress (for both Prep and Senior pupils). This means written notice must be given before the first day of a term to expire at the end of that term.

Parents are advised to contact the Headmistress or her PA on Headmistress@stcatherineschool.co.uk. Provisional notice is accepted at the Headmistress’s discretion. A term’s fees in lieu of notice will be charged for withdrawals for which notice is not given.


Deposits for pupils leaving the School will be returned during the term following departure, after deducting any outstanding sums due to the School. Alternatively, upon their daughter leaving, parents may wish to consider leaving their deposits to be applied specifically to the School’s Bursary Fund, which will assist access to the School for able girls whose parents would not otherwise be able to afford the fees.


As from 2017-18 school fees are inclusive of the cost of personal accident cover for pupils as a consequence of accidents whilst at school or during any activity arranged through the school. If you require further details of cover, please contact the Bursar.


Tuition fees may be paid in advance and the School offers a discount, subject to market interest rate conditions, further details of which can be obtained from bursar@stcatherineschool.co.uk


Please click on the links below for more information for providers of finance for School fees. They may be able to offer you a service.


School Fee Plan are a provider of finance for School Fees and they may be able to offer you a service. Please click the banner for further information.


Personal Accident insurance cover, including dental, is held for all pupils from when they join until they leave St Catherine’s School. The premium cost is included as part of the tuition fees. Further details of the cover are available in the attached documen