
Often, low and middle income families, with no substantial capital assets, feel that an independent school is financially beyond their reach.  St Catherine’s School has a long history of providing financial assistance to pupils and their families with the aim to support as many families as possible from a wide range of backgrounds, regardless of their financial circumstances. Help with fees is provided by the School and by the generosity of families who choose to support girls’ education by donating to the Bursary Fund.

A small number of means tested bursary awards are available in the School to support those girls who show good academic ability and meet the following criteria:

  • Having lost the financial support of one or both parents through death, abandonment, mental or physical ill-health, separation or divorce;
  • Having a financial need in the family.

The bursaries are available to Senior School girls only and applications can be made in any year group between Year 7 and Year 13. These awards are subject to an annual review process to take account of changes in the financial circumstances of parents/guardians.

Each case is considered on an individual basis with the girl’s best interests at the centre of the discussions. The Bursary Fund is limited and those judged most suitable or likely to gain most from the educational provision will be given priority. The selection and award of places will be at the sole discretion of the School.

In addition to any financial assistance provided by the School, there are a number of Educational and Charitable trusts which provide assistance with tuition fees.  We do ask that parents/guardians also apply for support where it is felt a good case can be made for assistance.  Further information, together with each Trust’s own criteria, may be obtained from the Educational Trusts Forum: http://educational-grants.org


Parents/Guardians of applicants may approach St Catherine’s School directly or via a third party, such as a primary school or children’s charity.  The deadline for all applications is 15th November  for entrance in the September of the following academic year. Please click below for further information on the application process.

We will offer support to successful candidates who meet our entry requirements where it is shown that support is needed and subject to the availability of funds.

The application process for the academic year commencing September 25 is open and will close on Wednesday 13 November 2024.

If you require a copy of the Bursary Application Pack please contact the Assistant Bursar, at bursaries@stcatherineschool.co.uk.

Applications received after this date will not be considered.


Book Now to attend our Prep Welcome Morning, Friday 13 September at 11.00am

An Open Event for anyone interested in Admissions from Year 3 -Year 6.

Book Now to find out more about joining our Prep School and the benefit of automatic entry to the Senior School.