Siena Scholarships

Each year all-rounder scholarships are offered for deserving pupils in Prep (Years 3-6) and Senior School (Years 10-13). These scholarships acknowledge the School’s namesake, St Catherine of Siena, whose passion for learning, personal resilience, and great faith, continues to inspire young people who also seek to achieve highly, to become leaders, and to serve with compassion.

Prep: Pupils currently in Year 2 can apply for the Prep Scholarship to run over Years 3 to 6. We will be pleased to accept applications from current pupils and from new pupils seeking to enter Year 3 in September 2023.

Application closing date: Monday, 17 June 2024.


Senior: Pupils currently in Year 9 can apply for the Senior Scholarship to run over Years 10 to 13. This process is managed by the Admissions Manager during the Summer Term.

If you would like more information or have additional queries, please contact the Admissions at